Voice, Medical Dictation App

Journeying through innovation

As the Product Manager for Voice, my involvement spanned the entire product lifecycle.

From forming the initial concept, developing our partnership with Nuance, steering prototype validations cycles, to orchestrating our strategy for market entry, then scaling the product over it’s first year in market.

During this time I worked with a very talented team of designers, engineers and marketers, guiding our Beta, through concept, beta, EA and GA phases.

This project overview aims to provide an overview of the process we took to bring this product to market.

Phase 1. Opportunity Exploration.

During our initial opportunity analysis we researched the letter creation problem space to build an understanding of the high-level approaches that could explored, and if any looked viable from a business model perspective for for solving this known problem for our users.

The key question we were trying to answer at this early stage was if we should build vs. partner.

It was apparent quite early on that building ourselves was not viable.


Medical terminology is narrative bases, natural-language describing the care of medical conditions of a patient. This data is:

  • Sensitivite

  • Structured to semi-structured

  • Inconsistent with high-cardinality

  • Technical (and often medical discipline specific)

  • Error prone input but low error threshold output

Solutions would require extremely highly degrees of accuracy to be usable, and our business was not specialised to compete with incumbent solutions in this space without big risk, investment and time, all of which we did not have appetite for.


  • Defined user problems and test hypotheses

  • Identified a Unique Selling Proposition vs incumbents

  • Identified target partners

  • Explored initial user solution concepts

Key Activities:

  • Customer Problem: Identified clear signals in VOC that patient letters was a key problem but still lacked nuance understanding of motivators, customer pains etc.

  • Market Research identifiying growing market of Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) & Transcription demand in user base & industry.

  • Market Research identifying numerous integration partner requests in ASR & Transcription category.

  • Partner Research exploring viability, desirability & feasibility of partnering options through technical and commercial studies.

  • Value Prop exploration around how we might solve this problem better than incumbents in highly differentiated and better ways.

Phase 2. Validation.

From this point we had decided on our tech partner, had initial theories on the problems and how we might solve them.

This phase of the process is moving from _thinking_ it would be valuable through to knowing (or at least closer). But this is no t a linear process, it gets messy, perfect for heavy collaboration with design.

Key Activities:

  • Crafting test hypotheses

  • Prototype generation

  • Storyboard testing of Value Proposition & Problem definition with users.

  • Usability testing with mock-data product prototypes.


  • Validated initial problem hypothesis, value props, and Unique Selling Proposition (USP) with users.

  • Validated core assumptions in initial designs

  • Validated partnership capabilities

  • Partially validated early Viability hypothesis around willingness to pay

  • Shaped problem and definition of initial solution space

  • Feasibility assessment & initial project estimates

Phase 3. Build & Beta.

Initial Build phase where the team explored how to best architect and iterate on our MVP.

Our goal was to get a working version in the hands of customers as soon as possible.

Key Activities:

  • Creation of Data Mapping pipelines for Personal Health Information (PHI) to our Health Standards (FHIR)

  • Creation of core Mobile expeirence

  • Build of MVP Dictation Experience

  • Beta with 13 doctors


  • Validation of MVP solution usability, desirability

  • Identification of scaling & future

  • Early validation testing on pricing

  • Tested initial Sales Plays, positioning of product

Phase 4. Early Adopter & Scaling.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec laoreet gravida magna, a blandit mi feugiat a. In vel magna rutrum, tristique lacus ut, auctor risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed semper tellus ornare metus tempus lacinia. Nam urna elit, eleifend sed condimentum ut, molestie ut lectus. Maecenas dapibus, ligula vel condimentum placerat, nunc turpis pulvinar nisi, nec fringilla ligula arcu eget nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut tincidunt nulla nec dignissim volutpat.

Duis ultrices volutpat nulla, ultrices dapibus libero convallis vel. Donec auctor, massa ut bibendum lacinia, felis erat laoreet mi, eu ornare augue orci sed ligula. Etiam viverra mi dolor, eu viverra erat pulvinar aliquet. In tincidunt consectetur arcu a fringilla. Quisque lobortis enim vitae dolor venenatis maximus. Donec pulvinar nisl sit amet dui egestas, nec commodo odio egestas. Quisque ante justo, faucibus a varius at, fringilla eu sem. Maecenas vitae augue a mi aliquam pellentesque. Morbi in viverra tellus. Ut egestas est leo, nec hendrerit ipsum venenatis quis. Ut malesuada purus at erat vulputate pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Key Activities:

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Phase 5. Launch & Iteration

Suspendisse potenti. Donec pellentesque neque vitae facilisis sagittis. Aenean eu scelerisque justo. Integer convallis semper sem, sed blandit enim ornare sed. Nam sed vehicula mauris. Donec ex nunc, feugiat sed elit a, semper tincidunt arcu. Ut eget fermentum nibh. Praesent elementum sodales viverra. Morbi vulputate consectetur cursus. Ut auctor luctus erat, at consectetur ipsum dapibus id. Nunc et viverra ligula. Quisque eu diam molestie dolor vulputate placerat. Sed at nisi mi.

Key Activities:

  • Validated


  • Initial new paying customers

  • Built initial